Friday, April 20, 2012

Song #165 of 9999 - Woman is the Nigger of the World by John Lennon

Song #165 of 9999

Title: Woman is the Nigger of the World
Artist: John Lennon
Year: 1972
Album: Some Time in New York City

I'll be the first to admit this is not my favorite John Lennon song and Some Time in New York City is not a very good album. But, given the current state of affairs in this country (i.e. the so-called "War on Women" with its vaginal probes and ongoing efforts to curtail women's reproductive rights) and the absolutely horrific treatment of women in some nations around the world, perhaps it's worth revisiting this 40-year-old(!) song.

The title and thesis of Lennon's song was first stated by his progressive (and notorious) wife Yoko Ono in a Time Magazine article in 1969. Lennon admitted in an interview with Dick Cavett (worth watching here) that it took some time for him to shed his own chauvinism toward women but he ultimately agreed with Ono's statement and was inspired to write what is typically regarded as the first anthem of the women's rights movement. While many questioned the use of the word "nigger," it is undeniably provocative which is kind of the point of the song. I suppose the danger is that people will be so offended by the title, they won't stick around for the song; but if you're willing to listen, the message is strong.

Sadly, I can't imagine any record company allowing the recording and distribution of this song by a major artist today nor do I think one of these artists would be willing to make such a bold statement. As accepting as we've become of profanity and explicit sexual and violent content on records, strong political statements seem to have disappeared from the music of our most popular musicians. For that reason, I guess I should be happy that so many of Lennon's recorded sentiments still apply today. But I'm not.

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